We offer Accredited and non-accredited training, that can be customized to your needs- as we have a wide range of expert consultants, from labour relations to human resources to labour law and EQ, we cover it all.
Whistle Blower Law
Protection of Personal Information
Consumer Protection Act
Mid-Year Labour Law Update
Annual Labour Law Update
Annual Employment Conference
Introduction to B-BBEE
B-BBEE: Bootcamp for B-BBEE Champions
Employment Equity Pivotal Programme
Introduction to Employment Equity
EE Committee Training
Employee Awareness: EE sessions
Embracing Diversity
Employee Awareness: Diversity sessions
Employee Awareness: Disability sessions
Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value
Employee Awareness: Equal Pay sessions
Human Resource Management Diploma
Effective Recruitment & Selection
Introduction to Performance Management
Coaching & Mentoring
Employee Awareness: Sexual Harassment
Employee Awareness: HIV/AIDS
Wage Negotiations
Intro into the Skills Development Landscape
Completing your Workplace Skills Plan & Annual Training Report
Skills Development Facilitator
Assessor Training
Introduction to Facilitation Skills
Social Media in the Workplace
Finance for Non-Financial Managers
Operationalising Company Strategy
Effective Report Writing
Effective Meetings
Effective Minute Taking
Effective Presentation
Time Management
Effective Communication
Effective Office Administration
Equipping Supervisors
Stepping up to Supervisor
Equipping/Enabling Line Managers
Effective Negotiation
Handling Conflict in the Workplace
Effective Conflict Resolution
Introduction to Project Management
Advanced Project Management
Capacity building in Labour Law
Management & Trade Unions: Vested Interests
Effective Strike Management
Effective Arbitration
Masters in Labour Law
Effective Discipline in the Workplace
Organisational Rights
Labour Relations Management Programme
Introduction to Arbitration
Advanced Arbitration
Understanding Retrenchments & Process
Managing Absenteeism and Leave Abuse
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