This is a question which needs to be thoroughly debated. On top of this, there is a public sector salaries increase by the collective agreement – which government does not want to implement – which will cost R37 billion.

There was a collective agreement over a number of years, which has been agreed to, but in the context of Covid-19 a debate regarding these salaries needs to take place. This is why government is saying that they are not able to afford this extra R37 billion.

Last week, Jonathan Goldberg – our joint CEO and presenter of this year’s Annual Labour Law Update – was interview on eNCA to discuss this wide gap between salaries.

Here is the link to the piece:

Why You Need To Attend This Year’s Annual Labour Law Update

It is just this kind of insight and debate that Jonathan brings to the latest labour law cases which have passed through our courts in the last six months. His vast knowledge means that he will be able to interpret how these decisions affect your specific business.

To read more, and to book, for this seminal event, please follow this link.

If you have any questions for our team, please drop us a mail on [email protected].