The one hour presentation runs through the Madeasy business impact interpretation of the CPA as a high level and is aimed at giving the audience a broad understanding of what the Act covers in only one hour. The product should be used as a high level general awareness tool for all staff or as a CPA overview speaking engagement or boardroom overview.
It is not suitable for the purpose of creating a practical level of understanding of how the Act could impact a business or as a foundation from which an action plan could be produced.

The three hour presentation goes through the same Topic structure as the one hour but in greater depth. Presentation Reference Manuals containing additional more detailed material are available for an additional R150 each. This product can be used in a very small business environment as a platform from which an action plan could be produced or as a prelude to a strategy session – it is not suitable for large more complex organisations’ Action Plans; the Business Impact Work Session product is aimed at assisting multi=departmental environments in this regard.