Have you (or someone you know) ever been in a situation or life stage where you know what you want and are capable of, but don’t know how to achieve it? A clear ‘what’ or ‘where to’ without a ‘how’ often leads to frustration and unhappiness.

The most powerful way of harnessing your strengths and focusing your leadership efforts is through coaching!

The core objective of business coaching is to grow leadership talent to realise strategy. The coaching process is therefore part of a broader and more holistic organisational development program. With this in mind, coaching may be defined as an ongoing professional relationship between the coach and the client, which focuses on the client taking action toward the realisation of their vision, goals or desires.  The power is put in the hands of the client and they are empowered to decide and act. To ensure focus the process is outcomes based and the relationship governed by a signed agreement between the Coach and the Client.

The coaching process is designed to meet each client where they are at and take them forward in a way that serves both the organization and the client. Among the tools utilized is the process of inquiry and personal discovery which builds the client’s level of awareness and responsibility within a supportive environment. In this respect, the Coach becomes the thought partner through listening and giving direct and constructive feedback to the client. This period can be revisited at any stage of the coaching process.

In certain cases coaching takes on a broader role and extends to Team Coaching Sessions.

Coaching may be initiated by HR, business or the Executive/individual with the view to: (HBR, January 2009)

  • Develop high potentials or facilitate transition (48%),
  • Act as a sounding board (26%)
  • Address derailing behaviour (12%)

Most coaching models embrace the whole person and are action orientated. A client is ‘observed’ from a variety of angles, including, but not limited to personal, interpersonal and conceptual abilities. Leveraging off this insight, the coach is able to identify a common understanding which can be utilized to lift an individual to the next level of performance.

Psychometrics and/or assessments are often drawn on in order to increase the speed and efficiency of Coaching process through:

  • Providing an opportunity to uncover potential blind spots
  • Enhancing self insight and self awareness
  • Helping clients become aware of, understand and accept difference
  • Fast track rapport and credibility with the client
  • Utilising 360° assessments to measure and provide feedback on progress.

To learn more about Coaching please contact your nearest Global office, or email [email protected]